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The value of quality: Understanding infrared sauna cost

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Infrared saunas have gained popularity over the years for their many benefits. Rather than traditional saunas that use heat and steam to heat the air around you, infrared saunas use infrared light to heat your body directly. This can make your sauna experience more comfortable, allowing you to enjoy longer sessions if you so choose.


When considering bringing an infrared sauna into your home, you’ve likely considered a number of options and looked into pricing. You have probably already noticed that infrared sauna costs can range greatly. This article will break down the question, “What does an infrared sauna cost?”


It will also explain the many factors that determine the cost of infrared saunas, and why the price range can be vast. Reading on, you will learn the factors to consider when shopping for the best infrared sauna for your needs. This article will also cover the quality features that make the value of a premium infrared sauna, such as a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna, worth the investment.


Article highlights:

  • Infrared saunas can range in cost from $1,000 to $10,000, or more
  • Overview of infrared sauna categories, and what to expect from each
  • Key factors to look for when shopping for an infrared sauna
  • Value vs. cost; a higher quality infrared sauna is worth the investment


What does an infrared sauna cost?

Just like with any other product, the price range of infrared saunas can vary greatly based on a number of factors including:


  • Brand and manufacturer
  • Materials and craftsmanship
  • Features and amenities, including technology and ease of use
  • Size and capacity
  • Warranties


There are three main categories of infrared saunas, including budget, mid-range, and high-end infrared saunas. Each has its own distinct set of offerings.


Budget infrared saunas

You may find a budget infrared sauna that ranges in price from $1,000 to $2,500. While this type of sauna is at the lower end of the cost spectrum, its affordability may come at a price. For example, it may be a smaller unit, and it could lack certain features and durability. It may only have basic heating elements, the materials used could be lower quality, and they may not have the lifespan of a higher-quality model. A budget infrared sauna model could include features such as:


  • Basic infrared heating panels
  • Smaller size
  • Basic digital controls and minimal customization options
  • Limited warranty


Mid-range infrared saunas

The mid-range infrared sauna category may include models that range in price from $2,500 to $4,000. These models typically include a better balance of quality, size, and features. You should be able to experience a larger size model, higher-end materials, and more advanced infrared technology in a mid-range infrared sauna. Depending on the brand and model, a mid-range infrared sauna might also offer elevated features such as chromotherapy lighting, premium sound systems, and an advanced control panel, allowing you to further customize your experience. A mid-range infrared sauna might include the following features:


  • High-quality wood construction
  • Improved carbon or full-spectrum infrared heaters
  • Larger capacity
  • Advanced digital controls with customizable settings
  • Better warranty 

High-end infrared saunas

Premium infrared saunas from luxury brands can range from $4,000 to $10,000, and up. This can vary based on brand, model, and features. However, with the investment of a high-quality infrared sauna, you also have peace of mind that your sauna was manufactured by a reputable brand that is known for its incredible wellness products. This would be the case with a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna, for example.


With a high-end infrared sauna, you can expect superior materials such as luxurious woods, as well as sturdy craftsmanship resulting in a highly durable model. You can also receive advanced infrared heating technologies and a variety of added features that will take your comfort and relaxation to the next level.


High-end models may also offer larger capacities, superior sound systems, and enhanced lighting features. Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas, for example, feature cutting-edge infrared technology and exceptional craftsmanship to ensure you get the best possible performance and longevity for your investment. Typically, high-end infrared saunas can include the following:


  • Luxurious wood choices
  • Full-spectrum infrared heaters (including near, mid, and far infrared)
  • Larger capacity to include three or more people
  • Advanced control panels with custom settings for temperature, music, lighting, and more
  • Longer warranties


How to choose the right infrared sauna for you

When you are shopping for an infrared sauna, you should fully understand the features and experience that can impact your experience. Some key factors to consider when making your decision include:


Size and capacity

The size of your sauna is essential, as they come in a range of sizes from single-person models to larger saunas that can accommodate six people at once. Consider how you will be using your sauna most—to enjoy in solitude, to reconnect with a loved one, or to enjoy with family and friends.


It is also vital to consider the space surrounding your sauna, and where it will be placed in your home. Remember to add at least four inches to the exterior dimensions when determining the area in which you would like to have your sauna installed.


Type of infrared heating

There are two main types of infrared heaters, and they should be factored into your decision. They include carbon heaters and ceramic heaters. 


Some high-end saunas, such as Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas, use full-spectrum infrared heaters that offer a combination of near, mid, and far infrared. This provides you with a more comprehensive infrared therapy experience. With full-spectrum heaters, you can experience infrared at difference depths, further elevating your overall experience and providing you with lasting results.


Quality of materials and craftsmanship

Your sauna’s construction will affect its durability, appearance, and performance. So, it is important that the model you choose is built with high-quality materials and crafted with attention to detail. This includes high-quality woods that can withstand both heat and moisture, particularly the floor. Your sauna should be durably built, with tongue-and-groove construction, metal threshold, upgraded hinges, and a replaceable solid wood floor that can withstand heavy sauna use. These features are offered in Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas.

sauna cost, infrared sauna cost

Added features for further comfort and relaxation

Consider the many reasons you are seeking a sauna in the first place. You may want a place to relax in solitude. You may wish to enjoy some downtime with a significant other, or to help aid in recovery after intense physical activity. When doing so, your entire experience can be taken to new heights with special features such as:


  • Chromotherapy lighting—Experience your sauna session in new light, with a range of color options that can enhance your mood.
  • Sound systems—Tune into your favorite relaxation station, or unwind with a great audiobook during your session with Bluetooth®1 capabilities and AUX connectivity that allow you to sync up with your smart device.
  • Digital control panels—Control and customized your sauna experience with ease. A high-tech digital control panel can help you easily set your sauna session to your liking with little stress or hassle.



When it comes to protecting and preserving your investment in a high-quality infrared sauna, solid warranties can provide you with the peace of mind you desire. Warranties ensure you can count on the manufacturer in case something goes wrong. Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas feature a five-year comprehensive warranty that covers your sauna in the case of manufacturer defects.


Value vs. cost:

Many people want to be mindful of their budgets when investing in an infrared sauna. It can be tempting to purchase a less expensive model, thinking you may not need or want the elements of a higher end model.


However, in addition to the features already mentioned in this article, making the investment in a higher-quality infrared sauna can ensure you not only have the best of the best when it comes to features that will heighten your experience, it also comes with the luxury and status that you deserve.


When you purchase a luxury infrared sauna from a premium brand, you give yourself not only the gift of longevity when it comes to the life of your sauna, you give yourself something truly special that can enhance your life in countless ways.


As you search for the best infrared sauna for your needs, consider how valuable your own peace of mind and overall wellness truly are. Seeking a high-end infrared sauna is a luxury gift that keeps on giving, and one that you can share with beloved family members, friends, and neighbors.


Why choose a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna?

If you’re looking for a high-quality infrared sauna from a trusted brand, a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna might be just what you’re looking for. Available in 1-person, 2-person, and 3-person models, Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas feature the best infrared therapy experience in a comfortable, relaxing, and aesthetically pleasing environment. With a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna you can expect:


  • Superior performance and durability
  • High-quality materials, including certified mahogany
  • Mica/carbon far infrared heaters and full spectrum front heaters
  • Full range of the infrared light spectrum in every session
  • Red Light therapy, with the overhead light bar, filling your sauna with red light
  • Chromotherapy, with the option of 12 different light settings
  • Vibrational Resonance Therapy, featuring sound and vibration


The cost of an infrared sauna can vary greatly depending on the size, features, and quality of the model, but your health and well-being are priceless resources. Enjoying your valuable time in a way that also promotes overall wellness is invaluable. When you purchase a high-quality infrared sauna, such as a Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna, you will be granting yourself the gift of time dedicated to not only your physical well-being, but your mental wellness, too.


1Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of its respective owner.


Affiliations: Jacuzzi® is a registered trademark of Jacuzzi Group. All rights reserved.


Medical disclaimer: This information is not intended to prescribe a particular diagnosis or course of action. We are not medical professionals. Please contact your GP or other medical professional for advice if you have any concerns about your current health or well-being.

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