How are nanobubbles used in hot tub care?
The Jacuzzi® brand has been an innovator in the hydrotherapy industry for more than sixty years. The Jacuzzi family brought to market the world’s first at-home hydromassage pump to provide the benefits of circulating and moving water into the comfort of the home.
Since then, the Jacuzzi® brand has remained an industry leader for more than six decades bringing you the easiest, most effective, and most luxurious wellness products and innovations. With that in mind, the Jacuzzi® brand is excited to bring this science of nanotechnology to hot tubs.
True Water relies on gentle yet effective nanobubbles for a more holistic approach to hot tub care that does not require traditional cleaning agents such as bromine, and removes nearly all the chlorine. In fact, with True Water, your hot tub water contains less chlorine than drinking water.2 True Water allows oxygen in the nanobubbles to do most of the work, much like in nature.
While nanobubbles are nanoscopic, they make a big difference in water care. Nanobubbles are between 70 and 120 nm in size—so small that you would need a 20x magnification microscope to see them in water. True Water creates nanobubbles 2,500 times smaller than a grain of salt.
Trillions of these bubbles are suspended invisibly throughout your hot tub water. They are hard at work, even though you cannot see them with the naked eye. Nanobubbles can be viewed with a green laser light, however. Though virtually indetectable, they saturate the water, scrubbing surfaces and destroying microscopic contaminants that they encounter.
How can nanotechnology make hot tub care easy?
With the True Water nanobubble approach, you can have clean1 water with little effort. The nanobubbles have been observed to last up to three months suspended in liquid as they actively work in cleaning water and even in the pipes. True Water is more effective than any other water care system the Jacuzzi® team has tested, and it has the data to back this up. Third-party lab results show that True Water removes 99.9% of bacterial and viral contaminants3 with almost no chlorine or other chemical additives.4
True Water transforms spa ownership by reducing your maintenance time to as little as 15 minutes per month. With little maintenance after you use your hot tub and less time spent on hot tub care, you will have more time to sit back, sink in, and simply enjoy your hydrotherapy. After all, isn’t relaxation the reason you bought your hot tub in the first place?
Thanks to the True Water nanobubble system, you can rest assured that your hot tub water is clear, clean1, fresh, and beautiful every time you are ready to enjoy a relaxing soak. In addition to looking sparkling and inviting, your hot tub water is transformed in another way with True Water. It is noticeably void of the chemical smell and drying feel that some users report during and after hot tub use.
The use of nanotechnology in hot tubs can also potentially have a positive impact on our environment with fewer required water changes and reducing the need for harsh chemicals. True Water is the future of hot tub water care, which also cares for you by being gentle on skin and hair.
True Water can bring you comfort, peace of mind, and unparalleled hydrotherapy—without the stress or hassle of traditional hot tub maintenance. When you are ready to further explore how a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub with True Water can transform your life, stop into your nearby spa showroom.
When you visit a hot tub dealer in your area, you can view the latest and most popular Jacuzzi® Hot Tub models in the J-LX® and J-400™ collections that offer True Water as a standard feature. You can also learn about other features of Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs that make hot tub ownership easy and convenient, such as the Jacuzzi® SmartTub® System. You can also learn firsthand about some of Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs’ other incredible innovations, such as Infrared and Red Light therapy, which combines relaxation and rejuvenation in unmatched ways.
1Clean is defined as the removal of microscopic (down to 3-micron level, varies by model) debris from the water.
2Spa water is for soaking, not sipping. Do not drink hot tub water.
3Contaminants such as dirt and grit.
4Chlorine can also be added. Number is reflective of water without chemicals. Refer to owner’s manual for specific instructions.
5Source – “Research Campaign: Use of Nanobubbles for Enhanced Gas-Liquid Contacting in Spaceflight Environments.” Learn more at
Affiliations: Jacuzzi® is a registered trademark of Jacuzzi Group. All rights reserved.
Medical disclaimer: This information is not intended to prescribe a particular diagnosis or course of action. We are not medical professionals. Please contact your GP or other medical professional for advice if you have any concerns about your current health or well-being.