If you are thinking about purchasing a hot tub, you may have heard about the incredible benefits of hydrotherapy. You may be seeking a hot tub to help you relax, relieve stress, or decrease muscle pain and tension. Reconnecting with your family, entertaining and socializing with friends and loved ones, or soaking in solitude to calm your mind may be on your list of reasons for wanting a hot tub.
As you might weigh the pros and cons of other large investments you make, you will need to consider both the pros and cons of purchasing a hot tub. You probably already know the many pros of hot tub ownership. However, you’ve likely wondered about the cons of a hot tub. This article will address that very topic. As you read on, you will learn about some of the most common cons that hot tubs can have.
What are the cons of owning a hot tub?
One of the cons of hot tub ownership is maintaining it. You might be intimidated by the seemingly daunting task of caring for your hot tub to make sure the water is safe for soaking. This is a valid concern. Another con that you may have heard about hot tubs is the chemicals required to keep the water safe for use. A third potential drawback of owning a hot tub is the chemical smell and feel during and after you use your hot tub. You may also be concerned about the cost of maintaining your hot tub.
However, the Jacuzzi® brand has an all-new, exclusive solution to all of these cons that minimizes the time you need to spend cleaning your hot tub as well as the amount of chemicals required to keep it safe. It also ensures your water smells and feels fresh.
Recently, the Jacuzzi® brand introduced True Water™, the answer to hot tub maintenance woes. True™ uses nanotechnology in the form of trillions of nanoscopic nanobubbles that, while invisible to the naked eye, produce clear, beautiful, and sparkling water that feels and smells good. The next generation of water care, True™ takes the hassle and time out of maintaining your hot tub. It provides you with the confidence of clean* water, without the amount of chemicals that water care used to require.
True™ is actually 99.9999% chlorine free. The system relies on oxygenated nanobubbles that clean so well that almost all other cleaning agents are no longer needed to clean your hot tub water.
The True™ nanobubble approach is gentle yet powerfully effective. Third-party lab results show this system removes 99.9% of bacterial and viral contaminants without any chlorine or other chemical additives.** While chlorine can be added, this percentage is reflective of the water without chemicals.
True™ eliminates another con that can make some people skeptical of becoming a hot tub owner—dry skin. Some people report that their skin feels dry or itchy after using their hot tub, due to the effects of chemical levels in the water. The typical odor of chlorine use can sometimes linger on your skin and hair.
But because chemical usage is so greatly reduced when managing your hot tub water with True™, you can relax into your soak without the pesky smell or feel. The difference is noticeable on your skin and hair, as well as in the absence of strong chemical odors in the water.
If you are concerned about using chlorine and other chemicals in your hot tub as well as the time it takes to clean your hot tub, True™ solves these cons, leaving you with nothing but fresh, clear, and sparkling water. This simple system erases typical cons associated with owning a hot tub, leaving you to enjoy the many pros.
When it comes to the operating costs of a hot tub, a high-quality, energy-efficient hot tub can actually help keep your running costs to approximately $30 a month or less, depending on how often you use it, where you live, and other factors. Features, such as the Jacuzzi® SmartTub® System and an excellent hot tub cover, can also help you reduce running costs.