You've heard about the benefits of strength training and building muscle for a healthy lifestyle. But did you know that giving your body ample time to rest and recover is just as important? That's because your muscles need time to repair themselves after you workout.

Whether you're an elite athlete or just someone who enjoys working out, you'll train more efficiently if you schedule in rest days. In fact, you should rest large muscle groups at least 24 to 48 hours after a workout, which is why you hear people say they alternate lower body and upper body-focused workout days.

But, waiting it out isn’t your only option. Here are some recovery-boosting strategies to try after your next intense training session:

  1. Stretch It Out

Most fitness experts agree that stretching out immediately following a workout is important. Spend 10 to 15 minutes stretching and you'll help your muscles retain their elasticity. You'll also help your heart rate slow down naturally.

  1. Replenish Your Fluids

During one hour of exercise, the American Council on Exercise estimates that the body can lose more than a quart of water. Therefore, it's vital that you drink before, during, and after a major sweat session so you can replenish your electrolytes and avoid becoming dehydrated.

ACE recommends aiming for 17 - 20 ounces of water two hours before the start of exercise and 7 - 10 ounces of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise. And be sure to stick with water or sports drinks, never sugary beverages.

  1. Pump Up Your Protein Intake

Muscle tissue needs fuel to repair itself, and that comes from protein. Depending on the type of training you're doing, you might consider working with a nutritionist who can recommend how to break down your "macros" for the day – that's the percentage of protein, carbs, and fat that should make up your daily diet.

While recommendations will vary, anyone who works out can stimulate muscle building by consuming protein-rich foods immediately following their workout.

  1. Work Out the Kinks

Nothing beats a good massage after physical exertion. You can opt for a traditional massage or a hydromassage. Both will help increase blood flow to your sore muscles and joints, and the latter has the added benefit of warm water that helps you to relax.

  1. Rest and Sleep Well

Science continues to prove that our bodies need adequate sleep in order to perform, and that is especially true when you're an athlete or trying to improve your fitness level. Exercise actually does help you sleep more deeply, as does a soothing soak in a hot tub. But it's up to you to clear your schedule so that you can have a regular sleep regimen.

It may sound counterintuitive, but resting and recovering will actually speed up your fitness progress and help you achieve your athletic goals. Instead of powering through, give your body the rest it needs.

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