What is a Corona Discharge Ozonator and how does it work?
Corona discharge ozonators work in a different way, they harness the ionisation process from electricity.
Just like lightning strikes, the corona discharge ozonators create plasma through bursts of electricity. It’s the creation of plasma that begins the generation of ozone and the oxidisation processes.
The process is totally safe and uses mild amounts of electricity that are no different to the levels of energy required to power the pumps, lights and filters of your hot tub.
Current beliefs and trends within the hot tub industry tend to favour corona discharge ozonators. In fact this is the preferred ozone generator used by Jacuzzi® Hot Tubs.
They use up to date modern technology and are slightly more efficient in their process. But like many features and benefits in a hot tub, some brands will favour one over the other and vice versa. Just like consumers have favourite features on the products they buy.
To give you an idea of two brands using this technology, Jacuzzi® utilises ultraviolet light with the brand’s CLEARRAY Active Oxygen™ technology. Hot Spring® Spas currently use Corona discharge cell technology in their FreshWater® Ozone System.